About Richard

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Richard Stables is Managed by Ignite Elite Artists

Manager: Michelle Horner

Phone: +61 405 812 587

Email: michelle [at] igniteeliteartists.com

Richard on IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3638698

Richard on Showcast:Sign in & search for Richard Stables

Richard's Phone:310 699 7393

Richard's Email:richard_stables [at] hotmail.com

Website designed and developed by Antistandard

Richard Taylor Stables Reel 2015

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Acting Techniques Mastered

Michael Chekhov
Meisner technique
Stanislavski's system
Uta Hagen
Ivana Chubbuck
Susan Batson
Larry Moss
Laban and Yat Malmgren
Howard Fine
... including many North American and UK accents.

Film/TV & Stage

Download full Acting Resume

'Moonlite' - Captain Moonlite (lead role)
Rohan Spong and JGD Productions
Hits cinemas nationwide in 2012

'Lily' - Father (lead)
- Kasimir Burgess (Winner of the Crystal Bear Award at the Berlin International Film Festival, 2011
Official selection for Flickerfest - Sydney, 2011 and the Melbourne International Film Festival - MIFF, 2010).

'Tangle' (guest star)
- Jessica Hobbs - Showcase
'Dimensions In Time'
- Kate Wild - ABC Television

'Someone Who’ll Watch Over Me' - Adam (lead)
- David Myles
Forty Five Downstairs, Melbourne

Education & Training

Edith Cowan University
Arts Educational Schools London
MICHA (Michael Chekhov)
Ivana Chubbuck Studios
Howard Fine Studios
Jeff Kober studio (Meisner)
The Actors Playhouse (Meisner)
Practical Aesthetics (Mamet)
16th Street Actors Studio.

Reviews & Press Releases

Someone who'll watch over me
Richard Stables plays Adam (Lead)
6.5mb PDF

Promotional Photos